Wednesday 12 April 2017

Socrative technology questions

Evaluate the role of digital technology in the production, marketing and consumption of products?

Firstly, look at the question and write down all the ingredients it is asking you to be included in the essay as a memory checklist.
To evaluate digital technology in the production, marketing and consumption of a film.

Paragraph 1 -introduce your media and what you are going to discuss, what is the question asking you?

The role of digital technology in the production, marketing and consumption is a broad aspect of film. Digital technology in film industry is evolving to be one of the most significant phases of film. It is prominent throughout production (use of cameras and editing), marketing (websites and apps) and consumption (Netflix, IMAX).

Paragraph 2 - Evaluate the role of digital technology in the production of films?

Digital technology is heavily used in the production stage of films. It is used in the filming process for props with 3D printing in Guardians of the Galaxy and Blue and Green screens in and with Digital 1 Red cameras. Secondly, digital technology is used in editing with CGI and After Effects. Additional characteristics of technology in production include Virtual Reality, Depth sensors and low emission filming.

Paragraph 3 - Discuss the role of digital technology in the marketing of films (this is where you bring your distribution notes in). Don't forget to name three interesting marketing techniques that got a lot of viral attention. What was unique about The Field of England distribution tactic? (he directed High Rise too). What is Tortoise in Love and what makes this an interesting case study?

The marketing of mainstream films is much more heavily reliant on digital technology than independent film’s marketing. Mainstream films typically market their films through social media, their own websites, phone and tablet applications, cross media deals with other brands (XBOX or PlayStation games). Viral campaigns of films such as the Carrie and the Devil’s Due videos are spread over YouTube, then shared by viewers on social media. Independent films use cheaper digital marketing such as social media and YouTube.

Paragraph 4 - Discuss the role of digital technology in the consumption of products (this is where you distinguish and discuss your understanding of exhibition and exchange.

Furthermore, technology is used in consumption of film technology to the audience. Technologies used in the exhibition process of film are Blu-Ray, a sharper HD version of the DVD component of the film, 3D, 4D and 5D (used mainly in Asia). These technologies have advanced in the recent years, along with advancing technologies in the exchange process of the film. Exhibition technologies include streaming websites (usually requiring a membership), such as The BFI Player, Netflix and Amazon Prime and cinema, including mainstream (Odeon) or independent (The REX).

Conclusion - what is the role of digital technology in the film industry today? How much impact, positive and negatives summarise.

The role of digital technology in the film industry in the modern day has changed and adapted to the times which we live in: film is more accessible through exchange to the audience with online streaming sites, online viral marketing campaigns such as Devil’s Due and Carrie, Digital Red One cameras in production and 5D cinemas for exhibition.

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